Name | Description |
BaseSQL |
Used to return SQL text without any changes performed by AddWhere, SetOrderBy, and FilterSQL.
CachedUpdates (inherited from TMemDataSet) |
Used to enable or disable the use of cached updates for a dataset.
Conditions |
Used to add WHERE conditions to a query
Connection |
Used to specify a connection object to use to connect to a data store.
DataTypeMap |
Used to set data type mapping rules
Debug |
Used to display the statement that is being executed and the values and types of its parameters.
DetailFields |
Used to specify the fields that correspond to the foreign key fields from MasterFields when building master/detail relationship.
Disconnected |
Used to keep dataset opened after connection is closed.
FetchRows |
Used to define the number of rows to be transferred across the network at the same time.
FilterSQL |
Used to change the WHERE clause of SELECT statement and reopen a query.
FinalSQL |
Used to return SQL text with all changes performed by AddWhere, SetOrderBy, and FilterSQL, and with expanded macros.
IndexFieldNames (inherited from TMemDataSet) |
Used to get or set the list of fields on which the recordset is sorted.
IsQuery |
Used to check whether SQL statement returns rows.
KeyExclusive (inherited from TMemDataSet) |
Specifies the upper and lower boundaries for a range.
KeyFields |
Used to build SQL statements for the SQLDelete, SQLInsert, and SQLUpdate properties if they were empty before updating the database.
LocalConstraints (inherited from TMemDataSet) |
Used to avoid setting the Required property of a TField component for NOT NULL fields at the time of opening TMemDataSet.
LocalUpdate (inherited from TMemDataSet) |
Used to prevent implicit update of rows on database server.
MacroCount |
Used to get the number of macros associated with the Macros property.
Macros |
Makes it possible to change SQL queries easily.
MasterFields |
Used to specify the names of one or more fields that are used as foreign keys for dataset when establishing detail/master relationship between it and the dataset specified in MasterSource.
MasterSource |
Used to specify the data source component which binds current dataset to the master one.
Options |
Used to specify the behaviour of TCustomDADataSet object.
ParamCheck |
Used to specify whether parameters for the Params property are generated automatically after the SQL property was changed.
ParamCount |
Used to indicate how many parameters are there in the Params property.
Params |
Used to view and set parameter names, values, and data types dynamically.
Prepared (inherited from TMemDataSet) |
Determines whether a query is prepared for execution or not.
Ranged (inherited from TMemDataSet) |
Indicates whether a range is applied to a dataset.
ReadOnly |
Used to prevent users from updating, inserting, or deleting data in the dataset.
RefreshOptions |
Used to indicate when the editing record is refreshed.
RowsAffected |
Used to indicate the number of rows which were inserted, updated, or deleted during the last query operation.
Used to provide a SQL statement that a query component executes when its Open method is called.
SQLDelete |
Used to specify a SQL statement that will be used when applying a deletion to a record.
SQLInsert |
Used to specify the SQL statement that will be used when applying an insertion to a dataset.
SQLLock |
Used to specify a SQL statement that will be used to perform a record lock.
SQLRecCount |
Used to specify the SQL statement that is used to get the record count when opening a dataset.
SQLRefresh |
Used to specify a SQL statement that will be used to refresh current record by calling the TCustomDADataSet.RefreshRecord procedure.
SQLUpdate |
Used to specify a SQL statement that will be used when applying an update to a dataset.
UniDirectional |
Used if an application does not need bidirectional access to records in the result set.
UpdateRecordTypes (inherited from TMemDataSet) |
Used to indicate the update status for the current record when cached updates are enabled.
UpdatesPending (inherited from TMemDataSet) |
Used to check the status of the cached updates buffer.
Name | Description |
AddWhere |
Adds condition to the WHERE clause of SELECT statement in the SQL property.
ApplyRange (inherited from TMemDataSet) |
Applies a range to the dataset.
ApplyUpdates (inherited from TMemDataSet) |
Writes dataset's pending cached updates to a database.
BreakExec |
Breaks execution of a SQL statement on the server.
CancelRange (inherited from TMemDataSet) |
Removes any ranges currently in effect for a dataset.
CancelUpdates (inherited from TMemDataSet) |
Clears all pending cached updates from cache and restores dataset in its prior state.
CloneCursor |
Shares data from another dataset.
CommitUpdates (inherited from TMemDataSet) |
Clears the cached updates buffer.
CreateBlobStream |
Used to obtain a stream for reading data from or writing data to a BLOB field, specified by the Field parameter.
DeferredPost (inherited from TMemDataSet) |
Makes permanent changes to the database server.
DeleteWhere |
Removes WHERE clause from the SQL property and assigns the BaseSQL property.
EditRangeEnd (inherited from TMemDataSet) |
Enables changing the ending value for an existing range.
EditRangeStart (inherited from TMemDataSet) |
Enables changing the starting value for an existing range.
Execute |
Executes a SQL statement on the server.
Executing |
Indicates whether SQL statement is still being executed.
Fetched |
Used to find out whether TCustomDADataSet has fetched all rows.
Fetching |
Used to learn whether TCustomDADataSet is still fetching rows.
FetchingAll |
Used to learn whether TCustomDADataSet is fetching all rows to the end.
FindKey |
Searches for a record which contains specified field values.
FindMacro |
Finds a macro with the specified name.
FindNearest |
Moves the cursor to a specific record or to the first record in the dataset that matches or is greater than the values specified in the KeyValues parameter.
FindParam |
Determines if a parameter with the specified name exists in a dataset.
GetBlob (inherited from TMemDataSet) |
Retrieves TBlob object for a field or current record when only its name or the field itself is known.
GetDataType |
Returns internal field types defined in the MemData and accompanying modules.
GetFieldObject |
Returns a multireference shared object from field.
GetFieldPrecision |
Retrieves the precision of a number field.
GetFieldScale |
Retrieves the scale of a number field.
GetKeyFieldNames |
Provides a list of available key field names.
GetOrderBy |
Retrieves an ORDER BY clause from a SQL statement.
GotoCurrent |
Sets the current record in this dataset similar to the current record in another dataset.
Locate (inherited from TMemDataSet) |
Searches a dataset for a specific record and positions the cursor on it.
LocateEx (inherited from TMemDataSet) |
Excludes features that don't need to be included to the TMemDataSet.Locate method of TDataSet.
Lock |
Locks the current record.
MacroByName |
Finds a macro with the specified name.
ParamByName |
Sets or uses parameter information for a specific parameter based on its name.
Prepare |
Allocates, opens, and parses cursor for a query.
RefreshRecord |
Actualizes field values for the current record.
RestoreSQL |
Restores the SQL property modified by AddWhere and SetOrderBy.
RestoreUpdates (inherited from TMemDataSet) |
Marks all records in the cache of updates as unapplied.
RevertRecord (inherited from TMemDataSet) |
Cancels changes made to the current record when cached updates are enabled.
SaveSQL |
Saves the SQL property value to BaseSQL.
SaveToXML (inherited from TMemDataSet) |
Saves the current dataset data to a file or a stream in the XML format compatible with ADO format.
SetOrderBy |
Builds an ORDER BY clause of a SELECT statement.
SetRange (inherited from TMemDataSet) |
Sets the starting and ending values of a range, and applies it.
SetRangeEnd (inherited from TMemDataSet) |
Indicates that subsequent assignments to field values specify the end of the range of rows to include in the dataset.
SetRangeStart (inherited from TMemDataSet) |
Indicates that subsequent assignments to field values specify the start of the range of rows to include in the dataset.
SQLSaved |
Determines if the SQL property value was saved to the BaseSQL property.
UnLock |
Releases a record lock.
UnPrepare (inherited from TMemDataSet) |
Frees the resources allocated for a previously prepared query on the server and client sides.
UpdateResult (inherited from TMemDataSet) |
Reads the status of the latest call to the ApplyUpdates method while cached updates are enabled.
UpdateStatus (inherited from TMemDataSet) |
Indicates the current update status for the dataset when cached updates are enabled.